The VJ Enterprises web site has been in existence since March of 1995. When we started this site, we had no idea if people would be interested in what we were trying to do or if anyone would contact us. Our goal was to share the best information we could find, through our research and travels and by investigating various on-line sources.In the beginning, we did not receive very much mail, and we were not asking for contact information from our visitors. Now we receive 2,000 to 3,000 visits per week. And since we've set up forms on the site to take contact information, we receive about 50 form responses per day. With just the two of us here, it is quite a job to keep up with it all. Therefore, we are seeking other individuals who agree with our goals who are interested in volunteering some of their free time to help us maintain and update the site.
We see this as a great opportunity for people who would like to learn how to create web pages. And people who are interested in the type of alternative perspectives and spiritually-related information we offer can benefit as well. It's a full time job to keep this site going, and it's difficult to keep up with our visitors' demand for new information.
So if you are interested in helping us, please send an email to:
Note: Please tell us something about yourself -- describe your interests in UFOs, New Age, or metaphysical materials. Also, let us know if you have web page editing software; otherwise, we can point you to some free programs. Also, since this is a give-and-take relationship, please let us know if there's anything we can offer in gratitude for your assistance. In addition, please include your phone number so we can give you a call and speak with you directly.Another thing we are looking to do is to use some of the new capabilities the World Wide Web has to offer, such as video, sound, and new page formatting. If you can assist us in these areas, it will be much appreciated.
The World Wide Web is fast becoming the place to find any sort of information you wish to learn about; it is an exciting technology that is helping to connect our world and foster the possibility for the further expansion of humanity.
We look forward to hearing from you and to adding new members to our team. During 1995 we made many new friends via the site and hope that 1996 will prove to be even more exciting.
Peace & Light always,
Joshua "Illinois" Shapiro,
![]() | VJ Enterprises Attn: Joshua & Vera Shapiro 9324 Home Court Des Plaines, IL 60016 TEL: (847) 699-8240 FAX: (847) 699-9701 |
Designed exclusively for VJ Enterprises by Don Bright ©1996 A Bright Design